Wednesday, November 15, 2006

One Up on the Rainbow

En-route Bangalore, early afternoon we took a halt at Jog falls, Chitta was already hungry and, I wanted to proceed and continue driving - to Bangalore, Neena was confused. Finally I gave in to Chitta’s wish, Neena was still confused.
We all rushed with the Tiffin, water bottles and all, in search of a ‘shady’ place.
The minute Chitta discovered a place under the tree; he spread out the mat and served Curd-Rice in three plates. Chitta and I began eating, Neena was still confused.
In ten minutes flat we finished eating and dish washing. I strolled near to the point where the water takes a plunge hundreds of feet down; exactly opposite to where I stood I could see the main water fall. The fall was quite thick even though it was mid-may. What struck me was almost half way down the water fall, there, seven brilliant colors were spread out in the space around the water fall. This belt of colors is created due to double refraction of the light from the sun, by the spray of water droplets.
Chitta and Neena rushed to the spot, Chitta was thrilled to be 'One up on the Rainbow' and Neena was still confused.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Ajay,
Lovely rainbow snap.
Howz Nina? Still confused?